О нама Одрживост Средиште догађаја

Све категорије


Почетна>О нама>култура

Construction of life health industry ecosystem
Enterprise Tenet
Striving for excellence , serving the society, integrity management, and seeking common development
Work Goal
Benefits of State-owned Assets Value maintaining and Value-adding Enterprises Increased Obviously Income of Employees Steadily Increased Living Environment Continuously Improved
Enterprise Values
Loyalty, responsibility, integrity, mutual win, construction and sharing
Core Values of Enterprises
Honest labor sharing enterprise benefit innovation labor sharing enterprise growth enjoy life and build harmonious peak.
Ентерприсе Спирит
Unity, self-improvement, truth-seeking and strict
Пословна филозофија
The market is the root of the user , the brand is the soul , the good faith management mutually wins the symbiosis.
Work Line
Readjustment of reform, innovation and development.